Tapestry Rug with Girl, Doll, Dog and Kittens #186-33
Status: Available
Price: $225.00
Pictured is a beautiful, very early tapestry rug for a dollhouse with a hand woven design of a young girl holding her doll in one hand and a kitten in the other hand with her little dog looking up at her. At her feet is a basket with two additional kittens. The little girl has flowing blond hair with a pink ribbon and matching flowing pink ribbon at the waist of her flowered print dress. Her socks are blue and her shoes have ribbon bows. She is clearly smiling at her kitten. The young girl is surrounded by trees, flowering bushes and a village in the background whose church outline and steeple is clearly visible. The rug is edged in a very early binding with a metalic gold and black zigzag design. The rug is made from silk. Size is 6 1/4" x 6 1/4". It was made in either France or Belgium and is very early, c. 1875 or perhaps even earlier. Shown front and backside.